Audiobooks as Good as Reading?

Audiobooks as Good as Reading?

Do you like audiobooks?

I ride the metro in Milan, and audiobooks are a great option for me for those trips. I read many ePubs on my iPad and try to get a new paperback often. There's a cool little "American" bookstore here in Milan with English books. 

Recently, I'm listening to full-cast audio dramatizations. The classic 1984 was amazing in this format, with Andrew Garfield and Tom Hardy. I'm on the third book of A.G. Riddle's Origin Mystery (Atlantis) trilogy. It's well done and engaging.

For me, there is a place for each format, including audiobooks. I try to release all my books in ePub, paperback and audiobook. I tried narrating my own with Sci-Fi Shorts as it is three short stories. It was great fun and allows me to offer the book to my readers and listeners at a lower price. I am working now on narrating Finding Idyllium.